Adam Smith
Hi-Fi World
May 2008 |
"Here each instrument gained
clarity and focus, as if
looking through a lens that
had been cleaned to
perfection. Upper bass
became tauter and more
tuneful and the top end
gained more clarity and
spaciousness ..." |
A very detailed and
comprehensive review of the
Ringmat Support System has
been posted on
The Stereo Times Website.
It was written by Senior
Editor Paul Szabady, who
reviewed it in the USA with
the supplied Standard LP
Statmat bundled option. It
would have been interesting
had the review also
covered the LP Blue Statmat
and Statcap option, which is
more powerful, but then that
leaves open an opportunity
for an upgrade and an update
at a later date. |
Dave Ayers
hi-fi+ Issue 9
Jan/Feb 2001 |
The Ringmat and Ringmat
Support System also work
well with
turntables supplied with a
bare platter and a clamp.
The following quotes are
from a review using such a
turntable, the Michell Orbe.
Audio Smorgasbord
"The multiple percussionists
of Santana were no less
vigorous or fleet of foot
(hand?), and if anything the
enriched body to the drums
increased their impact. In
fact I was astounded by how
much bottom end clout there
was, and what’s more the
bass seemed to have been
released from a straight
jacket, flowing free to
underpin the complexity of
the Latin rhythms. The
injection of life and
dynamic ‘jump’ was
astonishing (and extremely
welcome -witness
embarrassing spectacle of
person old enough to know
better dancing around like a
lunatic). As for the
glassiness – gone, banished,
exiled. The sound was still
sharp, but it had lost its
slightly unpleasant edge."
"Using the Ringmat Support
System to optimise the VTA
for the thicker records
resulted in absolutely
superb results. The clarity,
impact, and sheer musicality
of the disc was far in
excess of what I’ve managed
to wring from my system till
now, ..."
"I’ll finish by saying that
I have no intention of using
the Orbe in future without
the Ringmat Support System.
The changes it makes are
entirely positive and far
from subtle -even when the
turntable is designed to use
a clamp!"
To read the full review,
here. |
Deon Schoeman
Audio Video South Africa
March 2000 |
"It took a good six hours of
experimentation and
listening to optimise the
performance of the Linn with
the Ringmat system but the
results are quite
astonishing. In broad terms,
the main benefits of the
system relate to an
extension of low frequency
with enhanced slam, a
definite improvement in
overall resolution, clearer
and more accurately
delivered detail, and a
larger, more open
Some of these advantages can
be explained by the far more
accurate VTA adjustment the
system allows and demands.
But there is no doubt that
the firmer location of the
disc on the platter, and the
anti-static properties of
the Statmat, also contribute
substantially. The results
will make even a well
equipped Linn sound
substantially better.
For the money, you're
unlikely to gain even close
to this level of
improvement. The Ringmat
Support System has to be one
of the best ever turntable
enhancements, and one that I
can't recommend highly
enough." |
Christopher Breunig
Hi-Fi News & Record Review
November 1999 |
"Now, anyone who owns a Linn
LP12, with its propensity to
settle over the months, will
appreciate the dilemma for
the reviewer: resetting the
suspension to cope with the
extra weight is likely, in
any case, to improve the
sound. Would the results
claimed for the Ringmat
system be overwhelmingly
different from those
achieved by routine
adjustment? Happily, they
were – even sitting the
little Ringcap on the LP had
an appreciable stabilising
The complete system takes us
two further steps beyond the
Ringmat, principally in
adding weight and focus.
Stereo images are made more
cohesive, ambience, hall
echoes and the like, come
into sharper outline. The
timbres of instruments and
voices have more substance
and reality. For the outlay,
the returns prove
considerably more than
anticipated." |
Richard White
Hi-Fi World
April 1999 |
"The system is very
effective... Surprise number
one was the immediate
beneficial effect on the
bass… both the sound level
and the accuracy were
considerably improved… solo
fiddle floated through the
’speakers with enchanting
sweetness… the static-y
clicks had disappeared.
Records that generally track
indifferently can be
fine-tuned… this can make
quite a difference…" |
Jimmy Hughes
Hi-Fi Choice
March 1999 |
"The Ringmat Support System
allows simple yet precise
fine-tuning of stylus rake
angle. … The improvement it
makes to timing,
articulation, transparency,
fine detail and imaging is
quite remarkable. Best of
all, the music has a
rhythmic snap and liveliness
that made you want to dance…
It’s vital to appreciate
that the changes go beyond
hi-fi things like sound
staging, important as that
is… An excellent product
then, and very good value
given the degree of
improvements offered.
…Already I’m wondering how I
ever listened to music
without it." |
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