Awarded hi-fi+ PRODUCT of the YEAR 2000,
its present successful form. With the
addition of the new ANNIVERSARY GOLD
the MkII version of the Ringcap, all
released since the Award, analogue
reproduction now reaches a totally new
level of performance.
Ringmat Support Systems are modular by
design and they all revolve around the
use of a Ringmat, which is the anchor
component. Ringmat Support Systems are a
more cost-effective way of acquiring all
the four modules, and come in a box
(rather like a boxed set of LPs) with a
full set of instructions. Except where
Ringmat Spacers are eventually desired,
the extra cost of acquiring the modules
individually is not very much more.
Recommended further
The four principal components are:
A Ringmat (there are four models –
for more information, click
Ringmat Base Platter Mat & Ringmat
Spacers (for more information, click
An LP Statmat (there are two
versions – for more information,
click here)
A Ringcap (for more information,
click here)
For those users who already have a
Ringmat, it is possible to buy a
Support System without a Ringmat, as
well as the individual modules.
The Full Version includes a Spacer Mat
and a standard set of 8 Ringmat Spacers
(for more information, click
a Ringmat of choice, a Ringcap and a
choice of the Standard LP Statmat or the
LP Blue Statmat and Statcap. It comes
with a full set of instructions and, as
a complimentary bonus, the booklet ‘How
to Set Up and Fine Tune a Turntable’
by John Rogers (for more information,
click here).
The MRA is a starter/economy version.
The only difference from the Full
Version is that the MRA Version only has
1 Clear and 1 Slate Spacer instead of
the standard set of 8 Spacers (for more
information, click
Additional individual Spacers can be
purchased separately. Nor does the MRA
version include the booklet ‘How to Set
Up and Fine Tune a Turntable’ by John
Rogers. |
customers start with the Ringmat and add the
other modules later. For those customers
starting with a Ringmat, we have written the
note ‘Beyond Ringmat’ (to read this, click
Stage 1 - Place the Ringmat Spacer Mat on
the bare platter.

Stage 2 - Place Ringmat Spacers on the
Spacer Mat in accordance with the guidance
contained in the Support System Instruction
Book, ensuring that the Spacers engage the
"stud" on the outside edge of the Spacer Mat.

Stage 3 - Place the LP Blue Statmat (or
the standard LP Statmat) on the Spacers. At all
Stages, align the pattern of the cut outs in the
materials the same way.

Stage 4 - Place the Ringmat over the
spindle, so that it rests over the earlier
Support System components. The LP Statmat fits
within the inner ring on the underside of the
Ringmat and does NOT affect the height or
stability of the Ringmat. Where the Ringmat is
not an Anniversary model, and therefore does not
have a cutout pattern to guide placement, see
that the "RINGMAT DEVELOPMENTS" label is
positioned, as shown in the picture below, to
the right of the two circular holes in the
Ringmat Spacers.

Stage 5 - Place the Statcap on the
Ringmat as one of two optional positions for the
Statcap. Each LP has a good side and a not so
good side due to the natural polarity of the
materials used for stamping out LPs. This could
be the 'B' side, but it could equally well be
the 'A' side. You can only reliably tell which
is which by playing both sides (or just one side
once your ears have become attuned to the
situation) and noting, for future reference,
which is which. Where the good side is to be
played, place the Statcap as shown here for
Stage 5.

Stage 6 - Place the record to be played
on the Ringmat and than place the Ringcap over
the spindle and let it rest on the record label.

Stage 7 - When playing the less good side
of the LP (see Stage 5 above for explanation),
place the Statcap on the Ringcap.

At all Stages, align the pattern of the cut outs
in the materials the same way.