Adam Smith
Hi-fi World
February 2011



“…the results of fitting the (Cheetah Feet) under my CD player were most impressive. Bass lines seemed clearer and easier to follow and I was pleased to find that Ringmat’s claim of the Cheetah feet being “exceptionally fast and agile” was no exaggeration – rhythmically the feet seemed to have made my player shift up a gear and really turn in a more focused and dynamically unrestrained sound. … Ringmat’s Cheetah Feet are a neat and worthy upgrade that will not break the bank.”






Tony Bolton
Hi-fi World
June 2011



“Although visually similar to the original Ringmat Feet introduced in 1999, the current versions have benefited from refinements to both the materials and the design. There are now five versions available, choice being dependent upon the weight and footprint of the item to be supported. The African Jumbo and Mammoth Feet reviewed here are intended to support equipment with a foot diameter of over 45mm and a weight of 21.5 to 39kg and 39 to 60kg respectively...I tried the African Jumbo Feet under a very hefty (23.5kg) Onkyo M-30000R power amplifier. There was an immediate alteration of the sound, which gained a level of smoothness and definition that wasn’t as big as a component change would be, but was still noticeable. The soundstage seemed bigger in all directions and all the elements of the music effortlessly expanded to fill the extra space. I also tried placing the Mammoth Feet under the same company’s Spike Shoes [“Spike Stoppers”] (HFW May 2009) and again found improvements in the size, shape and texture of the sound...they do work, and contribute a sense of decorum and musicality to a system. They’re expensive, but many will judge the improvement to be worth it all the same”






Dave Ayers
Nov/Dec 2001

Audio Smorgasbord

“Ringmat recently supplied me with some cork domes to try in conjunction with their feet that I’ve been using for a while. It was an instructive experience. ...

Using the track ‘Back Street Slide’ from Richard and Linda Thompson’s superb Shoot Out The Lights LP I started off by using just the feet under Tom Evan’s Groove phono stage. The most obvious effect was in the bass, where the kick drum had much more slam and impact. The overall separation of the instruments was improved with better timing leading to a greater understanding of the interplay between the musicians. ...

Adding the domes first to the Groove and then to the Argo [HR Pre-amp] was a big leap forward, or rather it was when I realised that the foot/dome combination should always be used in sets of three under electronic components, and not four. Now there was a greatly increased sense of a band of real people playing together and off each other. Thompson’s voice had much more body, and more importantly was much more expressive. Those micro dynamics where a singer very slightly stresses a particular word were much clearer.

Finally I tried the feet with and without the domes under the Pulsar DAC. Oddly here the feet alone were much more satisfactory than the foot/dome combination. With the feet used on their own, the results were very similar to the feet used with the domes under the Groove and the Argo. For example, playing another Richard Thompson track ‘Uninhabited Man’ from the CD Mock Tudor showed a staggering amount of extra bass depth, the kind of extra depth that adds hugely to the overall recorded ambience. The whole soundstage was bigger and had more acoustic. When you manage to achieve this sort of effect in your system, you suddenly find yourself able to hear more easily into the recording, separating the musical strands and giving greater insight into the interaction of the musicians. ...”






Bjarne B. Jensen
High Fidelity 4/2000
Denmark and Sweden

From the earth to the sky
Can a new tweak and a pair of new feet bring you nearer to musical nirvana?

The first part of the article is about the benefit of earthing loudspeakers. The next part, which now follows, is about the new feet.

New feet
The next tweak, unfortunately, is not quite free. It is about putting new feet under your equipment. In the first instance you should probably start with your CD player, but both your record player and your amplifiers will benefit from it.

What kind of feet are they? Well, this is about feet from the Ringmat firm. Ringmat Feet do not seem very convincing the first time you see them, just as with the Statmat. What you get is a small box, with four small plastic Feet, a leaflet with instructions, and a small piece of film made of the Statmat material.

The instructions are thorough, as you are told to place the Foot, with coloured dot, underneath the front right foot of the component. The piece of film is to be placed under the back right foot. According to the leaflet, this is to discharge electrostatic fields into the surrounding air, and, whether it is true or not, you can hear if it is missing. To be less abstract, I can hear it when my wife is using the hairdryer, as my power amp starts humming. This is greatly reduced when the feet and film are in place.

Why does the bumblebee fly?
The purpose of the Feet is to reduce the small vibrations and electrostatic discharges that come from all electrical appliances. Through the year I have tried quite a lot of products designed for this purpose, from rubber and sorbothane feet through to metal spikes, but I have never heard feet with such a positive effect as these. The fact of the matter is that Ringmat Feet, in a strange way, enable your equipment to work in such a way that both micro details and dynamics are more convincing. How these Feet work I can’t tell you, just as I have never been able to get a convincing explanation about the workings of the Statmat. But what of it! According to science, the bumblebee can’t fly, but it doesn’t care and flies anyway!

More air
A good example of the working of the Feet is the sound of a string ensemble, where I can now hear the air around the single violin player, and not just a massive string sound. It gets much easier to follow the breathing of a singer, for example, on the latest Nick Cave CD, “The Boatman Calls”, which, by the way, is a brilliant recording, where it is now possible in many sections of the music to hear his lips moving. Another CD, which is very much recommended, is Diane Krall’s “Love Scenes” where, on the track “My Love Is”, she sings accompanied only by the bass player. All the way through the number she clicks her fingers, and only with the Ringmat Feet in place have I been able to hear how she moves her fingers in relation to the mike. Also, the bass on this track is much better defined, as it is now possible to hear not just the body of the bass, but also the single strings and the wood behind them. It is also much easier to hear the recorded acoustics on most recordings, as much of the information of the recorded space has become so much better defined, with a much bigger soundstage in height, depth and width. On an older recording, like Roger Waters’ “Amused to Death”, you get a much more three dimensional impression of the sound effects in the strange Q-sound production. On a recording of the Classic Trio, the sound of the cello is much better defined and the attack of the piano keys much more precise. At the same time the whole soundstage seems quieter. Much more important than all these details is that the music, all the way through, sounds warmer and more like reality, as if you have taken an electronic veil away from your system. On the best recordings you are now able to close your eyes and feel that the performers are in your room, and that is, after all, what our quest for the perfect sound is all about.

All in all, here are two tweaks that will give you just as much improvement as buying expensive new equipment.

P.S. Statmat is now in a new MkII CDi version, which is at least as good as the first one, but easier to use as the diameter is smaller and, therefore, easier to use without getting it wrinkled.






Jimmy Hughes
Hi-Fi Choice
April 2000

Are those my feet?

"At best, Ringmat Feet produce an improvement comparable to the Townshend Loudspeaker Seismic Sinks I raved about last month. Taking a set of Feet to a friend's house and using them under his DNM pre-amp, the effect on the music was magical. Sonically, things became subtler and more varied in tone and texture - more real and believable, less obviously 'hi-fi'. Fine detail was enhanced, but not 'in your face'. The effect was of a subtler, sweeter presentation that was friendlier to the ear.

Ringmat Feet aren't inexpensive, but cost is a relative thing; if they perform to their full potential, it'll be money well spent."




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